Aniela Gąska

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Story of Rescue - Aniela Gąska

During the occupation, Aniela Gąska worked and lived in a German storehouse in Warsaw, at Brzeska street. In 1941 (according to other stories, it was the summer of 1942, during the time of the so-called wielkia akcja – big operation), two previously unknown men appeared – the industrialist and philanthropist Tadeusz Plucer-Sarna and his adult son, Henryk. They wanted to sublet a room. Aniela guessed that they were Jews in need of a hiding place. Tadeusz moved in as Aniela’s ”father”, while Henryk hid in the basement. The Plucers’ money quickly ran out, but Gąska continued to give them shelter.  

During the occupation, Tadeusz Plucer also hid with Stanisława Bończy – Tomaszewska,  as well as, probably from 1944, on the estate of the Iwaszkiewicz family, where he taught music. After the War, Henryk emigrated to Israel, while  Tadeusz settled in the Śląsk region with his daughter.

Aniela Gąska maintained contact, via correspondence, with Henryk Plucer. Following his death, she became friendly with his wife, Tosia, who appealed to the Yad Vashem Institute to honour Aniela Gąska. 

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  • Gutman Israel red. nacz., Księga Sprawiedliwych wśród Narodów Świata, Ratujący Żydów podczas Holocaustu
  • Archiwum Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego, 349, 1583