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Była jedyną w okupowanej Europie wspieraną przez Państwo instytucją powołaną w celu ratowania Żydów. Czytaj m.in. o historii Rady, jej strukturze, mechanizmach działania, upamiętnieniach w Polsce i Izraelu oraz o pamiątkach ze zbiorów Muzeum POLIN.
The Council was established on 4th December 1942 by the Government Delegation for Poland to replace the "Konrad Żegota" Provisional Committee to Aid Jews.
The work of the Council was streamlined into departments: legal, finance, residential, anti-blackmail, propaganda, children, medical and clothing.
"Felicja" was the codename of one of the Council's cells founded by Maurycy Herling-Grudziński. One-fifth of the Jews in hiding in Warsaw remained under its care.
The Council to Aid Jews "Żegota" helped escapees from ghettoes, from transports heading to extermination centre, as well as those left alive after German liquidation operations.
The essence of this commemoration is being passed on into the memory of the next generations. It takes various forms. The "Żegota", and the people connected with it, are honoured in both Poland and Israel.
Presented here are selected sources – books, films and podcasts relating to the history of the Council, its members, its structure and its methods of activity.