Elżbieta Ficowska Makes an Extraordinary Presentation to the Museum to Mark Żegota's 73rd Anniversary

Redakcja / Editorial staff, 16 November 2016
At an event marking the 73rd anniversary of the establishment of the Council to Aid Jews (Żegota), Elżbieta Ficowska presented the POLIN Museum with an extraordinary memento linked to her rescue from the Holocaust. This took place at the opening of the POLIN Museum's newest virtual exhibition "The Right Address - the Stories of Jews Hidden in Occupied  Warsaw”.

The Council to Aid Jews (Żegota) was established on 4th December 1942 - the only state organisation, within occupied Europe, and in conjunction with the underground, having the aim of saving Jew. Every year, on the anniversary of its establishment, our Museum conducts an event aimed at Warsaw school students. In past years, students have met with the late Władysław Bartoszewski - who was the last living member of Żegota”. This year, the Professor was no longer with us. Elżbieta Ficowska agreed to take part in this year's event

As a six month old child, she was rescued by members of Żegota. She was carried out of the Warsaw ghetto in a box, into which was also placed a silver spoon, engraved with her name and date of birth. During this year's event, Ms Ficowska presented the POLIN Museum with a replica of this extraordinary memento, one which is most dear to her.

Prior to this presentation, Robert Szucht delivered a lecture on Żegota's activities. followed by the screening of a film about Elżbieta Ficowska's rescue. There was also the opportunity to view the POLIN Museum's newest virtual exhibition "The Right Address - the Stories of Jews Hidden in Occupied  Warsaw”, which can be accessed online here: http://www.sprawiedliwi.org.pl/wystawa/dobry-adres/   

At the event's conclusion, Ms Ficowska, together with the students, laid flowers at the "Żegota" monument, which stands near the Museum's entrance.