Basia Klig was born in Pruszkow close to Warsaw. Shortly after the war begun, her father Leon Klig was taken to the work-camp. Despite the fact that the Germans swore to save his family, Basia with her mother Hava-Hanna were drove in Warsaw ghetto. Later on Leon joined them.
When life there started to be dangerous, the family decided to flee. To increase their chances of surviving, they separated. Hava-Hanna caught a train to Lublin. Basia was found in Judenrad and picked up by her aunt. All but Leon met each other in Lublin. He froze to death in winter 1942.
Women were imprisoned in Lublin ghetto but they managed to escape. Unfortunately the elderly aunt was shot. Hava-Hanna with her daughter and an acqaintance Reuben Finkelstein, found shelter in a farmhouse. The farmer Stanislawa Pacek was helping them till the end of the war.